Complaints Process
Complaints Process
We'll let you know when we've received your complaint, and will start our investigation.
Once we've reviewed your complaint, we'll let you know the outcome, usually within five working days. If it's going to take longer, we'll let you know.
If we can’t resolve your complaint within eight weeks, you can refer your issue to the independent Alternative Dispute Resolution service provided by Ombudsman Services Communications. As long as your complaint is within their remit, they'll investigate it free of charge.
You can ask that your complaint goes to Ombudsman Services Communications before the eight weeks are up – to do so, you need to request a deadlock letter from our customer services team. However, if we’re confident that we can sort things out within eight weeks, we have the right to insist that our process is followed.
If something goes wrong... please follow these three steps
Step 1 - Let us know
If something isn't right, the first thing to do is to tell us about it and give us the chance to put it right.
Call us right away on 0333 800 5500 or email home@ecotalk.co.uk.
Step 2 - Customer Complaints Team
If you’re unhappy with the outcome after you’ve told us what’s wrong, or if you feel there’s something we haven’t dealt with properly, then get in touch with our Customer Complaints Team.
They aim for a next working day response and speedy resolution.
Step 3 - Independent help
It’s rare for problems to get to this stage, but if our Customer Complaints Team hasn’t sorted things out to your satisfaction, there are two bodies you can go to for independent help.
Citizens Advice Consumer Service provides independent advice, and the Ombudsman adjudicates between customers and their providers.
Ombudsman Services
CISAS International Dispute Resolution Centre 70 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1EU, United Kingdom
info@cisas.org.uk 020 7520 3827 Textphone: 020 7520 3767
Citizens Advice Citizens Advice consumer service Post Point 24, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston super Mare, North Somerset, BS23 1UJ 0808 223 1133 Textphone: 18001 0808 223 1133
We have a simple policy when it comes to compensation or goodwill credits. Where we make a mistake, we hold our hands up and put things right at the first opportunity – but we only award compensation where we've caused actual financial loss, or if a large debit has accrued because of any delays or errors on our part.
We’re a not-for-dividend company we use the money we make from customer bills to buy land to give back to nature.
If your old phone number hasn't been transferred to your Ecotalk SIM within one business day we'll compensate you for the delay.
Here’s the calculation we use: (your tariff amount x 12months) / 365 days x number of days delay.
Here’s an example of how that works:
Monthly tariff = £10.00 X12 months = £120.00 /365 days = 0.32 pence X2 days fault/delay = 0.65 pence (ex VAT)
Compensation will be credited to your next invoice.